Every business knows that social media marketing is essential to success. But how do you move from having interesting social media conversations with prospects into actually converting them to business leads?
Developing your digital marketing strategy
The trick lies in approaching your social media marketing in a strategic way. Although social media is a free tool, its value to businesses is immeasurable, especially in B2C markets where customers are already used to engaging with brands.
Businesses which invest in their social media marketing and resource it properly, adopting a digital marketing strategy which is appropriate to their needs, are most likely to see a healthy ROI. This is one of the primary reasons that many businesses choose to use the services of a digital marketing agency in Essex which can supply the necessary expertise and marketing support, rather than attempting to train up and maintain a full-time in-house resource to do the same.
With the social media landscape and the most effective social marketing tactics constantly evolving, how might a digital marketing agency in Essex recommend that you nurture social conversations through to business leads?
1. Be proactive – By actively monitoring your account, you can be ready to respond to queries and to engage with customers in a way that drives them towards the purchase intention.
2. Know exactly what your customers want and give it to them – Use social media as a way to engage with customers to learn about their needs, wants and preferences and then use this to improve your customer persona for tighter, more effective marketing.
3. Have a ready suite of digital assets ready to show to your customers – Perhaps you can offer them the ability to purchase via their favourite social channel for example, or bounce them over to your website or app in just a couple of clicks? Make it as easy as possible for them to make that all-important purchase or to carry out your intended call to action.
4. Use special offers and discounts to encourage price conscious customers, and use competitions and time-framed offers to incentivise rapid action
5. Have key sales messages ready so that you can nurture prospects along the sales funnel in a way that is shown to work and with consistent messaging
6. Consider the use of online influencers to place your products in front of target market customers
7. Use a chatbot on your website to help encourage customers who click through to further explore your business brand and to guide them to a purchase point, overcoming any typical sticking pages.
Consider a digital marketing agency in Essex today.
If you’re serious about seeing results from your digital marketing, a digital marketing agency can get you there faster – and with a measurable ROI. Contact your agency today for expert, friendly help that makes the most of your marketing budget. Of course, you have the option to get in touch with us today. Our experts with their best of knowledge will serve all your needs.